2 boxes instant vanilla pudding
4 cups cold milk
A splash of Vainilla Molina
1 tsp yellow food coloring
¼ tsp red food coloring
8 oz whipped cream
1. Combine both pudding mixes and milk in a large bowl. Make pudding according to package instructions.
2. Add a big splash of Vainilla Molina and beat.
3. Divide pudding evenly into 2 containers.
4. Add ½ tsp yellow food coloring to one pudding bowl one drop at a time, stirring as each drop is added. Stop adding once you get the desired color.
5. To other bowl, add ½ tsp yellow food coloring and ⅛ tsp red food coloring, one drop at a time, stirring as each drop is added. Stop adding once you get the desired color.
6. Fill ten glasses 1/3 full with yellow vanilla pudding. Top that with double that amount of orange pudding. You should have 1/3 yellow and 2/3 orange. Be sure to leave at least a little room at top of glass to add whipped cream.
7. Top each glass with whipped cream and decorate with candy corn.
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