Healthy drinks made with vanilla to start the year off right!

Want this year to mark a "before and after" in your life? These drinks will help you get started! Incorporating them into your diet is an easy healthy habit to keep up.
We know that getting started can be difficult, but don't worry: you've already taken the first step by reading this! Now it's just about adding these delicious drinks to your daily routine.
Let's take a look at them!

First up: a simple, delicious vanilla coffee.
In case you didn't know, Vainilla Molina has no calories or sugar. Use it in your morning coffee for a boost of energy and a nice, rich aroma that just wraps you up like a warm hug. Also, drinking it before working out can improve performance!
Simply pour hot coffee in a cup, add a big splash of Vainilla Molina and you can add a little low-carb sweetener, such as stevia.
(It's also really good as a cold drink.)

Next up is a mixed berry smoothie.
Berries work as powerful antioxidants, contain very few calories and just make everything taste better.
1 cup of milk (can be plant based)
A splash of Vainilla Molina
1/2 banana, ripe (can be frozen)
1 cup of berries (can be frozen)
Blend, serve and enjoy!

Lastly, a warm oatmeal drink.
Oatmeal helps us feel full and provides high-quality protein. It's also really cleansing and a great source of energy.
Prepare it like this:
Blend 1 cup of oatmeal with 2 ½ cups of milk.
Heat 2 cups of water, 1 cinnamon stick and 3 tablespoons of low-carb sweetener (stevia, monk fruit, erythritol) in a saucepan.
Add the oat mixture, 2 cups of milk & a splash of Vainilla Molina, and mix constantly for 10 minutes.
Serve in cups and add a pinch of cinnamon.
As you can see, these three options are simple to prepare, use ingredients you probably already have and provide health benefits to kick your year off the right way. Remember that sustainable goals pay off in the long run, so try to be patient! Keep your eyes on what you want and make a commitment to yourself.
Happy New Year!
We know that getting started can be difficult, but don't worry: you've already taken the first step by reading this! Now it's just about adding these delicious drinks to your daily routine.
Let's take a look at them!

First up: a simple, delicious vanilla coffee.
In case you didn't know, Vainilla Molina has no calories or sugar. Use it in your morning coffee for a boost of energy and a nice, rich aroma that just wraps you up like a warm hug. Also, drinking it before working out can improve performance!
Simply pour hot coffee in a cup, add a big splash of Vainilla Molina and you can add a little low-carb sweetener, such as stevia.
(It's also really good as a cold drink.)

Next up is a mixed berry smoothie.
Berries work as powerful antioxidants, contain very few calories and just make everything taste better.
1 cup of milk (can be plant based)
A splash of Vainilla Molina
1/2 banana, ripe (can be frozen)
1 cup of berries (can be frozen)
Blend, serve and enjoy!
Lastly, a warm oatmeal drink.
Oatmeal helps us feel full and provides high-quality protein. It's also really cleansing and a great source of energy.
Prepare it like this:
Blend 1 cup of oatmeal with 2 ½ cups of milk.
Heat 2 cups of water, 1 cinnamon stick and 3 tablespoons of low-carb sweetener (stevia, monk fruit, erythritol) in a saucepan.
Add the oat mixture, 2 cups of milk & a splash of Vainilla Molina, and mix constantly for 10 minutes.
Serve in cups and add a pinch of cinnamon.
As you can see, these three options are simple to prepare, use ingredients you probably already have and provide health benefits to kick your year off the right way. Remember that sustainable goals pay off in the long run, so try to be patient! Keep your eyes on what you want and make a commitment to yourself.
Happy New Year!

1 challenging recipe every month!

Easy recipes made with Vainilla Molina